СПБ ГБУЗ Александровская больница

+7 (812) 242-54-54 - Отдел платных услуг
+7 (812) 241-26-80 - Хозрасчетное амб. отделение
+7 (812) 588-21-11 - Для страховых компаний (ДМС)
+7 (911) 120-28-76 - Для страховых компаний (ДМС)
+7 (812) 583-16-30 - Cправочное
+7 (812) 241-26-43 - Cправочное
+7 (911) 032-05-99 - Cправочное
+7 (911) 032-06-74 - Cправочное
Часы работы справочной: с 10:00 до 19:00
Санкт-Петербург, проспект Солидарности, д.4
Официальная страница "ВКОНТАКТЕ" Официальная страница ВКОНТАКТЕ

Диагностика за один день

Отделения и центры

Региональный сосудистый центр

Записаться на приём

Главная » Medical Tourism

Комитет по зравоохранению СПБ

Министерство здравоохранения Российской Федерации

Справочная служба Здоровье Города

Medical Tourism

Alexandrovskaya hospital is one of the largest multi-specialty hospitals in the North-Western region of Russia.

The hospital employs 600 doctors, including 39 candidates of medical Sciences and 3 doctors of medical Sciences. Most of the medical and nursing staff has the highest and first categories.

Comfortable conditions, qualified medical staff, modern equipment and the use of the latest technologies allow us to remain one of the best medical institutions in St. Petersburg.

Every year, without holidays and weekends, more than 95 thousand patients are treated here. The capacity of the hospital is 1186 beds.

Our hospital has 21 clinical departments: oncological Hematology and chemotherapy, neurology, somatopsychiatry, cardiology, therapy, urology, gynecology, surgery, traumatology, neurosurgery, maxillofacial surgery, medical rehabilitation, endocrinology, etc. As well as auxiliary departments: clinical and diagnostic laboratory, Department of x-ray and surgical methods of diagnosis and treatment, Department of functional diagnostics, ultrasound diagnostics, radioisotope laboratory, blood transfusion Department, physiotherapy Department, endoscopic Department, x-ray Department. Thus, patients receive all types of necessary examinations and treatment procedures.

A unique center working in the Alexander hospital: national center for cranio-facial surgery, town center of psychosomatic medicine, Center for new technologies in medicine, Regional cardiovascular center, Center for Hematology to provide medical care for complex and rare diseases.

The hospital has the opportunity to receive consultations on the principle of telemedicine. This will reduce the cost of travel and may also be a preparatory step that allows you to collect the results of examinations and other medical data for subsequent treatment.

Additional information:
+7 (911) 927-07-72

24-hour dispatch service: +7 (911) 712-19-81

Email: dms@alexhospital.ru

Справочная служба Здоровье Города

Treatment in Russia

Переключить на Русский

Уникальный томограф Siemens Sumbia E

Служба крови Александровской больницы

Грипп, ОРВИ, Коронавирусная инфекция

Независимая оценка качества оказания медицинских услуг


Информационный портал ОМС Санкт-Петербурга


Решаем вместе
Недовольны работой больницы?

Служба по контракту

Так здорово!

Так здорово!

+7 (812) 242-54-54

+7 (812) 588-21-11, +7 (812) 583-16-30
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